Join us for an engaging event centred on the integration of values in standardisation education! This webinar will delve into the EDU4Standards project, examining the Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) framework and highlighting the vital role of values, along with their significance and applications in education.
We will also present practical examples of how to effectively utilise the ILOs, followed by a dedicated Q&A session for your questions and interaction.
Who should attend
The webinar is specifically addressed to the following groups:
- Teachers & Standardisation Educators
- Students & Student Associations
but also
- Higher Education Institutes (HEIs)
- Standard Developing Organisations (SDOs) and Certification Bodies
- Policy Makers
- Industry, SMEs, Startups, and Related Associations
Although anyone interested in the education and/or standardisation dialogue is welcome to participate.
15:00 - Welcome and introduction (Maria Giuffrida, PhD, Senior Research Analyst)
15:10 - Values in standardisation education (Dr. phil Barbara Reiter, Ethics)
15:20 - The value-based ILOs framework (Hristina Veljanova, MA, Ethics)
15:30 - From competences to attitude (Prof. Heike Wendt, Educational Sciences)
15:40 - Example applications and how to use the framework (Prof. Elisabeth Staudegger, Law)
15:50 - Q&A and interaction with audience (Maria Giuffrida, PhD, Senior Research Analyst)
16:10 - Final remarks
16:15 - End of the webinar
The event is free.