CEN and CENELEC Standards + Innovation Awards 2024

EDU4Standards initiative tackles the underutilisation of standardisation in education and research. Despite its pivotal role in advancing strategic goals such as the European Green Deal, education on standardisation remains fragmented and constrained. Supported by funding from the European Union, this project strives to revolutionise standardisation education in European Higher Education Institutes.

The consortium brings together 17 partners from 11 countries, including CEN and CENELEC, who are launching the annual call for nominations for the CEN and CENELEC Standards+Innovation Awards. These awards acknowledge the significant contributions of researchers and innovators to standardisation. Members are invited to nominate candidates in three categories:

Award category #1: European research project that has made a noteworthy impact on standardisation.
Award category #2: Individual researcher/innovator who has successfully integrated research/innovation and standardisation.
Award category #3: Young researcher who has focused on standardisation in academic theses, doctoral dissertations, or other university research projects.

For more information, visit the CEN and CENELEC website at: https://www.cencenelec.eu/news-and-events/news/2024/brief-news/2024-04-19-s-i-awards-2024-call-for-nominations/

Published on 05 June 2024