Partners of organised a workshop and discussion panel “Towards responsible and human-centric standardisation” at the annual EURAS Conference “Comprehensive Standardisation for Societal Challenges”, which took place in Delft, The Netherlands, on 19-21 June 2024.
The aim of the panel discussion was threefold. The first aim was to benefit from the synergies between the EURAS conference and the project. EURAS is a traditional forum for standardisation scholars, and this year’s topic of the conference “Comprehensive Standardisation for Societal Challenges” matches the goals of project to develop the Innovative Teaching Concept of Standardisation (ITCoS) as a comprehensive concept of education on standardisation to address societal and policy challenges.
The second aim of the panel discussion was to seek to establish links between different knowledge domains, as represented by the background of scholars contributing to the development of ITCoS under the project: law, ethics, management, economics, education, among others. scholars sought new ideas for bridging different disciplinary domains from the traditionally truly inter- and transdisciplinary audience of EURAS conference.
Finally, the panel discussion provided a great opportunity to promote the project and disseminate the preliminary project findings.
The two guiding questions for the panel discussion were how the Innovative Teaching Concept on Standardisation (ITCoS) can support the policy-sought human-centric and EU-values-grounded education about standardisation and how the project can best achieve the promised impact targets for dissemination of the project results to boost education about standardisation in Europe.