Empowering standardisation through education across Europe #7
EDU4Standards.eu has released its seventh edition of the newsletter!
In this issue we highlight the EDU4Standards.eu significant steps towards advancing standardisation education across Europe in 2024.
Holidays greetings from the EDU4Standards Consortium.
Here’s an overview of our achievements:
- EDU4Standards wrapped 2024
- Materials available from our last webinar: Diving into EDU4Standards: Intended Learning Outcomes for education on standardisation
- Explore our "Publications" section
- Express your interest: Academic Standards Days

Empowering Standardisation through education across Europe #6
EDU4Standards.eu has released its sixth edition of the newsletter!
In this sixth piece of the EDU4Standards.eu newsletter, we focuses on the upcoming events, such as "Diving into EDU4Standards: Intended Learning Outcomes for education on standardisation", the webinarl will take place on November 20, online.
In this edition we also presents the Harmonised Standards in EU Digital Regulation Conference, Padova, 14-15 November and the First Call for Papers launched from EURAS, the annual standardisation conference, June 2025.
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Empowering standardisation through education across Europe #5
Newsletter #5
EDU4Standards.eu has released its fifth edition of the newsletter!
This issue focuses on our new dedicated section "Teaching Repositories" on the EDU4Standards website, which will serve as a hub for teaching resources related to standardisation across Europe.
We also highlight recent events, where we fostered innovative concepts of standardisation in the education field.
Subscribe and read more in our newsletter and stay updated on recent and upcoming events and resources!

Empowering standardisation through education across Europe #4
EDU4Standards consortium is delighted to announce its fourth newsletter!
In this edition, we share the latest project news and developments. You can express your interest in the Academic Standards Days (ASDs) and discover more about our upcoming events as:
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Empowering standardisation through education across Europe #3
EDU4Standards consortium is delighted to announce its third newsletter!
In this edition, we share the latest project news and developments, including:
- Material from our first webinar, "Introduction to EDU4Standards: Pioneering Standardisation Education in Europe"
- A report from the EURAS Conference
- Insights from the Academic Standards Days

Empowering standardisation through education across Europe #2
EDU4Standards consortium is delighted to announce its second newsletter!
This second edition reports on the latest project news and developments: from the General Assembly hosted by Delft University of Technology, to the EDU4Standards.eu participation at the High-Level Forum meeting on European Standardisation and EURAS 2024 Conference to the next activities and events.
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Newsletter #1: March 2024
EDU4Standards consortium is delighted to announce its first newsletter!
This first edition reports on the latest project news and developments: from the project kick-off in January 2024, to the next activities and events.
EDU4Standards - Education for Standardisation in the EU is a brand-new research project funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe programme aiming at innovating how standardisation is taught in European Higher Education.
Stay up to date on the project latest developments and activities - read the first newsletter!
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