From teaching concept to educational framework: best practice in supporting innovation in education panel at DIN conference

On September 26 2024, consortia members of were invited to organise a panel discussion “From teaching concept to educational framework: best practice in supporting innovation in education” on the second day of The Second Interactive Conference on Education about Standardisation “Durchstarten mit Normung” at DIN - German Nasional Standardisation Organisation.
The aim of the panel was to initiate discussion with and seek feedback from German academic and professional/ industrial educators in the field of standardisation on the best practices in promoting innovative/novel teaching approaches (in the field of standardisation).This was the second panel discussion organised by consortia at conferences. The first panel discussion took place at EURAS conference in June, 2024. 
The panel was represented by the following consortia members: 
• Prof. Vladislav Fomin, Vilnius University: presentation of the European educational landscape, gender-, discipline-, and study level perspectives
• Dr. Barbara Reiter, University of Graz: presentation of developed Framework for Value-Based Intended Learning Outcomes (VB-ILOs) for education about standardisation
• Prof. Ivana Mijatovic, University of Belgrade: presentation of the vision of the Innovative Teaching Concept of Standardisation (ITCoS) to be developed by
• Dipl.-Ing. Robert Link, Freesia Innovation e.U.: overview of the High Level Indicators for
• Prof. Rudi Bakkers, Technical University Eindhoven: overview of the synergies and complementarities between the aims and activities of EU High Level Forum  (HLF) on standardisation and project.

Following the panel presentations, the conference participants were invited to comment and discuss with the panel members during the afternoon interactive session of the conference.

This workshop helped to tackle key points that are vital for the overall objectives of EDU4Standards. In its 36-month lifetime, the project is focused on transforming how standardisation is taught across Europe by addressing key educational and professional gaps. In particular, it aims to develop an innovative Teaching Concept of Standardisation (ITCoS), aligned with European policies on human-centricity, digital and green skills, and gender awareness.
The project has two main aims challenges currently: creating a teaching framework that incorporates these values and demonstrating its relevance to educators and trainers across European universities and industries. 
This approach seeks to address both policy-driven and societal needs through educational initiatives.

A key focus is shifting towards value-based standardisation (VBS), which requires coordination between policy initiatives and societal trends. aims to support this transition by fostering knowledge, awareness, and preparedness for standardisation among a range of stakeholders, including the general public, educators, and industry professionals. 


DIN Conference
Published on 04 October 2024