University of Graz


The University of Graz (UGZ) is an Austrian university founded in 1585. It is the second oldest university in Austria and one of the largest in the country (30.000 students/4.700 employees). For the purposes of the project, UGZ brings in SSH competences from the research network “Human Factor in Digital Transformation” (HFDT), including in particular ethics and law, supported by economics, system sciences and sociology. The HFDT research network at UGZ has a strong focus on values by design. It has worked on trust in ICT (Horizon 2020 project), trust in automated driving (Zukunftsfonds Steiermark, VERDI project) and learning analytics (Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, Learning Analytics – Students in Focus project). The UGZ team is also working on an ethical impact assessment together with AI4People. As part of the project, UGZ is involved in value-based standardization, focusing predominantly on values, digital and green skills.

Role in the project:

University of Graz leads the development of the intended learning outcomes (ILOs) for standardisation education (WP2) and is responsible for organising a summer school on standardisation in the field of automated driving as part of the pilots (WP3). It is also involved in the organisation of the Academic Standardisation Days, the review processes, the policy recommendations and the dissemination activities.