Education on standardisation in Europe: 17-18 June, Delft

As one of the main aims of Edu4Standards consist in strengthening education on standards in Europe, the project will contribute to “Education on standardisation in Europe'', an event which will take place on the 17-18 of June in Delft.

This event brings together national and European standardisation bodies, academics that teach about standardisation, representatives of EU Member States and other stakeholders to discuss the challenges but also work towards solutions.

The event is organised by Workstream 1 of the High-Level Forum (HLF) on European Standardisation of the European Commission, led by Eindhoven University of Technology, CEN-CENELEC, and DIGITALEUROPE.

Below you can find the agenda: 

Monday, 17 June
12:00 Registration, coffee

13:00 Opening address

Perspectives on education on standardisation from academic, business, and standards bodies

15:00 Coffee/tea

15:30 Parallel workshops: 

A: A cross-European student certificate on standardisation 

B: Incentives for teachers and students

17:00 Networking reception (until 19:00)
Tuesday, 18 June
9:00 Fireside conversations: academics and National Standardisation Bodies (NSBs) share their most successful ventures but also their challenges
10:30 Coffee/tea

11:00 Parallel workshops:

C. Linking standards to the Academic for Net Zero Industry Act

D: The perspective of SMEs on education on standardisation

12:30 Lunch & poster session
13:30 The role of serious games
15:00 Coffee/tea
15:30 Actual playing of serious games & poster sessions
16:30 Reporting back from parallel workshops & wrap-up
17:00 Closing networking reception (until 19:00)


Plenary talks are delivered by key representatives from the European  Commission, academia, national and European standardisation bodies, and  businesses. There is also a strong involvement of EDU4Standards, a recently launched Horizon Europe study working towards strengthening education on standards in Europe.

The event also pays special attention to serious games / role-play games and their  potential in teaching standardisation. These games are discussed but will also be demonstrated at the event. Poster sessions will showcase the progress of HLF members who, in November 2023, signed a pledge committing to contributing to education on standardisation, e.g. by offering trainee positions.

Also, the event will take place back-to-back with the annual meeting of EURAS, the European Academy for Standardisation (June 19- 21, 2024), also in Delft.

For more information, please visit the event webpage.

Education on Standardisation in Europe
17-06-2024 / 18-06-2024

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