Innovating how standardisation is taught in European Higher Education is a brand-new research project funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe programme. Our eclectic consortium brings together the key players in education on standardisation in Europe. Led by Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the consortium brings together universities, higher education institutes, standardisation bodies and associations, and SMEs.
EDU4Standards just started in January 2024. Over the next three years we aim to address key strategic objectives.
- 01
Develop and pilot an innovative teaching concept for standardisation (ITCoS)
Creating and pilot compelling approaches and materials for use in EU Higher Education.
- 02
Raise the profile of standardisation through Academic Standardisation Days and events
Deliver a roadshow of events on standardisation at EU Higher Education Institutes.
- 03
Increase higher education courses on standardisation
Broaden the base of institutions, teachers and courses which include standardisation.
- 04
Build a community of standardisation teachers and learners
Consolidate and grow a community of educators and students for the future.
- 05
Set up an EU Student Standardisation Association
Build on existing groups, projects and synergies to establish a single association.
By 2027, our aim is to increase education in standardisation across Europe
Our goal is to meet and synergise with key groups across Europe through events and our 5 pilots.